Within the campaign „#kannstduauch“ (you can do it) three influencers in Rhineland-Palatinate showed that everyone can participate in the energy transition and that protecting the climate and sustainability can be fun as well. The project was sponsored by the Rhineland-Palatinate environment department.
In six subject areas, the influencers Julia, Yannick and Oliver tried out tools like a solar panel for the balcony, they learned about the landlord-to-tenant electricity supply and they visited pioneers of the energy transition from Rhineland-Palatinate. Everything is available to watch on the Instagram account @kannstduauch (only in German).
About the campaign
Sustainability gains more and more influx on social media. A conscious way of living, critical consumption and waiver of climate damaging behaviour play a crucial role in the lives of many influencers. Topics like energy and energy transition are less popular despite their big leverage effect.
On the Instagram account kannstduauch, Julia (greenandwahles), Yannick and Oliver (rethinknation) show different ways of how you can take part in the energy transition in your everyday life and how enriching a sustainable lifestyle can be. That way we wanted to reach new target groups, mainly young people, who didn’t have access to the topic energy transition before and sensitize them. Therefore we worked very closely with other projects and organizations from Rhineland-Palatinate, especially the Landesnetzwerk BürgerEnergieGenossenschaften Rhineland-Palatinate (LaNEG).
The campaign started in November 2019 and ended in April 2020.
The communication campaign is part of the superordinate campaign „Neue Kraft mit der Nachbarschaft – We make the decentralized energy transition“ that we as 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung conduct together with the Bündnis Bürgerenergie (BBEn).
#kannstduauch was sponsored by
Publications for this entry

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