Fotocredit: Fotoatelier Sackwitz
The Energieavantgarde Anhalt e.V. is an alliance consisting of commited citizens, communes and districts, companies and facilities as well as local and nationwide active partners and institutions that works on a sustainable rebuild of the local energy system in Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg – the so called Reallabor Anhalt.
The 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung coordinated various projects in the Reallabor Anhalt from 2013 to 2018. Our managing director Dr. René Mono is a member of the advisory board of the Reallabor Anhalt.
The results of the last five years were published in the technical contribution „Regionaler Balancekreis – Grundlage und Anreiz für dezentrale Lösungen“ that outlines the concept of a decentralized energy transition.
The association wants the energy to be ecofriendly and be produced and used locally. It wants to prove that long power lines are unnecessary if power, heat and mobility thereby coalesce. Environment and climate are spared, unnecessary costs for consumers are avoided. The intended local value shall contribute to the local energy transition and be of benefit to fellow campaigners. The necessary technical, economic and sociocultural changes are provided by partners like the local public services, companies from the renewable energy branch and many communes among them the city Dessau-Roßlau as well as the district Wittenberg.
Publications for this entry

Regionaler Balancekreis – Grundlage und Anreize für dezentrale Lösungen
Fachbeitrag zum energiewirtschaftlichen Modell, das im Reallabor Anhalt entwickelt wurde und Aspekte Regionalität, Integration erneuerbarer Energien, Sektorenkopplung und Teilhabe berücksichtigt