Fotocredit: Jörg Farys/BBEn
In January 2014 the 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung founded, together with ten other organizations, the Bündnis Bürgerenergie (BBEn) because of the campaign Die Wende – Energie in Bürgerhand. The BBEn advocates a decentralized energy transition in the hands of the citizens.
With over 200 members it combines over 500.000 energy citizens from all over Germany that get involved as individually or together as cooperative members or as members of an organization for a reinforcement of the energy transition in the hands of the citizens.
These people are united by the belief that the energy transition can only carry on through the wide embedding of citizen energy. The 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung supports the work of the BBEn and stays in touch with them about the relevant topics.
Publications for this entry

Geschäftsmodelle für Bürgerenergiegenossenschaften – Markterfassung und Zukunftsperspektiven
Studie zu bestehenden und neuen Geschäftsmodellen für Energiegenossenschaften

Prometheus: Menschen in sozialen Transformationen am Beispiel der Energiewende
Studie zu den Motiven der Menschen und ihrem Engagement in der Energiewende